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Pubblicazioni scientifiche

“Fertilization with human testicular spermatids: four successful pregnancies”
Human Reproduction vol. 12 n°2 pag.286-291 1997

“Successful fertilization and pregnancy after injection of frozen-thawed round spermatids into human oocytes”
Human Reproduction vol.12 n°3 pag.554-556 1997

“A predictive method to achieve pregnancy in recipients undergoing an egg donation program”.
Human Reproduction, Vol. 13, June 1998, 14th ESHRE Congress Goteborg

“Embryo transfer 24 h after assisted hatching improves implantation and pregnancy rate”.
Human Reproduction, Vol. 13, June 1998,14th ESHRE Congress Goteborg

“Successful delivery after injection of frozen thawed roundf spermatids into human oocytes”.
Human Reproduction, Vol. 13, June 1998,14th ESHRE Congress Goteborg

“Pregnancies after sperm injection into cryopreserved human oocytes”.
Human Reproduction, Vol. 13, June 1998, 14th ESHRE Congress Goteborg

“Testicular sperm cell recovery: efficiency of fine needle testicular sperm aspiration (TESA)”.
Human Reproduction, Vol. 13, June 1998, 14th ESHRE Congress Goteborg

“Psychological needs and stress evaluation of 20 couples undergoing IVF treatment”.
Human Reproduction, Vol. 13, June 1998, 14th ESHRE Congress Goteborg

“Oocyte cryopreservation is a viable alternative option for patients who refuse embryo freezing”.
Fertility and Sterility, Vol. 70, October 1998 54th ASRM Congress San Francisco

“The use of round or elongated spermatids for ICSI, which is more effective?”.
Fertility and Sterility, Vol. 70, October 1998 54th ASRM Congress San Francisco

“Laser assisted hatching: improvement of implantation and higher pregnancy rates”.
Fertility and Sterility, Vol. 70, October 1998 54th ASRM Congress San Francisco

“Personal and marital adjustment Before and after an In Vitro Fertilization/Embryo transfer Treatment”.
Fertility and Sterility, Vol. 70, October 1998 54th ASRM Congress San Francisco

“Obstetric and prenatal outcome in menopausal women 
– a 12 year clinical study –“
Reproductive BioMedicine Online Vol.6, n°2 ,113-117 2003

“Cryotop vitrification method on human oocytes results in high survival rate and healthy deliveries”
Reproductive BioMedicine Online Vol 14, n° 1,January 2007

“Vitrification of human oocytes: high survival rate and healthy deliveries”
Human Reproduction Volume 22, Supplement 1, July 2007 23th ESHRE Congress Lyon

“Intracytoplasmic morphologically selected sperm injection (IMSI):a prospective randomized trial”
Reproductive BioMedicine Online Vol 16, n° 6,June 2008

“Three Years of clinical application in human oocytes vitrification: high survival rates and healthy deliveries”
Human Reproduction Volume 23, Supplement 1, July 2008, 24th ESHRE Congress Barcellona

“A prospective randomized trial to verify potential advantages offered by IMSI procedure in daily IVF routine”
Human Reproduction Volume 23, Supplement 1, July 2008, 24th ESHRE Congress Barcellona

“Oocytes vitrification applied on women with impairment of their ovarian function”
Human Reproduction Volume 25 ,Supplement 1 July 2010 24th ESHRE Congress Barcellona

“Antioxidants in IMSI”
In Agarwal A ”Male Infertility: Contemporary Concepts and the Role of Antioxidants” Humana Press; in press

“IMSI as a Valuable Tool for Sperm Selection During ART “
In : Carrell DT, Racowsky C, Schlege P Nl, Fauser B.C.J.M. “Biennial Review of Infertility, Volume 2″ New York Inc. Springer-Verlag; June 2011

“Intracytoplasmic Morphologically-selected Sperm Injection”
In : Gardner ,Weissman,Howles,Shoham ” Textbook of assisted reproduction techniques , Volume 1″ Informa Healthcare;June 2012

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